Archiv der Kategorie: Allgemein

Another story

Hi. Due to the fact that my teacher apparently liked my short topic failure, I feel encouraged to write some more. Here is another story about being gay.

Josh smiled. He smiled cause he had to. It was no real smile, but right now it was everything he could do. They were in a bar, it was David’s 17th birthday. Actually it was forbidden to be there, but no one cared that night. The owner of the bar was the father of one of David’s friends. They all were so happy, so fearless. How many girls had kissed David already ? Josh didn’t know. He didn’t even want to know. Maybe, he thought to himself, it was just the influence of the alcohol, but he wanted to be like them. Like the girls David kissed. He looked down on himself. He was slim, weak. Not the type boy anyone would want. But he wished nothing more than being wanted. Being wanted by his best friend. And though it would never happen, Josh sometimes dreamed about it. Then he woke up and found himself sweating, breathing heavily. It was embarrassing to want someone that much. Josh silently cried into the palms of his hands, as suddenly a hand touched his shoulder.
„Josh? Josh, hey…“ It was David. He looked up to his friend and felt the tension to kiss him. So close…. Too close… He turned away.
„Dave, hi“, he replied.
David looked at him, leaned onto his shoulder. He was drunk.
„You… Got no girl?“
„They don’t want me.“
Actually it was the other way round, but that was irrelevant now.
„You wanna dance with me?“, David asked, smiling insecurely. Josh’s body filled with warmth as he got up. Everything seemed to be more intense as his friend took him into his arms and they danced. Time stood still for a moment. There was just the music and their bodies, close to each other. For that moment, he was save.

Well, that was it. Hope you liked it. If requested, I’ll write more stories, but I’d appreciate more people reading that. I need a lot of motivation to publish my stories in general. So, yeah. Guess that was it.

A bit off the topic

Hi. I have a story for you. It’s not really what you expect from a blog, so I’ll have this kind of introduction and then an explanation in the end. The book ‘Verdammt Starke Liebe’ inspired me to a little short story about a gay boy who loves his best friend. It doesn’t quite have a title but… I hope that’s no problem. Have fun.

It was cold outside as Josh left the gym. He ran out and slammed the door behind him. He gritted his teeth. Away from all the noise of the school ball, away from the crowd. His suit was all white from the little snowflakes that fell from the sky outside. Now that he was alone, the tears came. They trickled down his cheeks as small streams. But his tears weren’t able to ease his pain. He bit his tongue until he tasted blood. Don’t cry, don’t be weak. Hide yourself. No one will know who you are. What you feel. It was idiotic. His friend had to dance with girls. He couldn’t dance with him. Josh looked up to the sky. The tears gleamed on his face and left cold spots on his cheeks. He couldn’t. He could not go back and watch it. It was too much, hurt too much. Just because he knew how unlikely it was that David was actually gay. Why should he? With his luck, it was only imagination. And as if that was not enough, he was way too in love with his best friend. He wanted to press against him and kiss him. He needed his protection. But for this he had to drop his own. Security or love? What did he want?

Yes, that was it actually. I like this story, it’s cute. Maybe some of you will notice which song I listened to while writing (It’s quite obvious). Well, I hope Ms Fink will be happy with this too.

Sincerely, Kyra

Verdammt Starke Liebe

Hey, it’s me again. My next blog entry will be about a book which I read in German, because I haven’t read any english books until now and I’m forced to write another entry. So, it’s called ‚Verdammt starke Liebe‘ what means as much as ‚Damn strong love‘. It is about a gay boy in the 2nd world war and actually not my kind of book. I liked it, though. Mostly because it’s a true story.


The content is mostly Stefans life story and daily struggle, what is a bit uninteresting to tell, but nice to read. When Stefan turns 17, his brother takes him to a secret cellar, where they drink a bit of liquor and celebrate. Due to the fact that Stefans family is from poland, they are oppressed very much by the nazis. There are a few scenes where you really wanna rip the soldiers‘ heads off and take Stefan in your arm to protect him.

My favorite scene of the book is when Stefan notices he is really gay because it’s when his elder brother Miklas starts masturbating in front of him. (Don’t ask me why I even read this strange book, it was fun).

After a few job struggles, Stefan gets to join a theatre group and gets to know other gay people. When he walks home one night, he meets an Austrian soldier. They have a conversation and go to a café afterwards. Willi tells Stefan a lot about Vienna and his homeland. As it has to happen, they fall for each other and they even almost sleep with each other. But then Willi has to go back to Austria to fight. He promises his lover to send letters and Stefan waits for a few months. After a long time without receiving a letter, Stefan finally decides to write one himself. The last words of it are: “I kiss and miss you, love Stefan.”

If you wanna know how the story goes on, read it.


Well, I’ll get a little quote problem, because I can’t quote the german lines. No one would understand it. Also, the expressional quality of this book is not very satisfying, so I’ll just leave it like this.

Personal Review:

Well, well. It was nice. That’s the best I can say. It was disturbing sometimes, but it was a…. good experience. If I had to choose, I’d rather read something like Stephen King again, but it was an interesting alternation, though. I would recommend it, still not as strongly as ‘Bags of Bones.’

Yes, that’s it actually. Have a nice day and enjoy your life


Bag of Bones- Stephen King

“On a very hot day in August of 1994, my wife told me she was going down to the Derry Rite Aid to pick up a refill on her sinus medicine prescription – this is stuff you can buy over the counter these days, I believe. I’d finished writing for the day and offered to pick it up for her. She said thanks, but she wanted to get a piece of fish at the supermarket next door anyway; two birds with one stone and all that. She blew a kiss at me off the palm of her and and went out. The next time I saw her, she was on TV. That’s how you identify the dead here in Derry – no walking down a subterranean corridor with green tiles on the walls and long fluorescent bars overhead, no naked body rolling out of a chilly drawer on casters; you just go into an office marked PRIVATE and look at a TV screen and say yep or nope.”

– Bag of Bones, Stephen King


My first book Review is about the book “Bag of Bones” by Stephen King. No shit, I know…  It’s an exciting story about an author who just lost his wife and – if it has to be a Stephen King- a cursed house that he owns. I won’t tell the whole story, then you won’t have to read it anymore. And I want you to!



So, the story starts on a hot summer day. Mike Noonan’s wife Johanna collapses on a parking lot and leaves him and with a lot of strange things that don’t make sense in any way at first. Why did Jo leave a pregnancy test in her bag? I mean, seriously! Four years after Johanna’s death, Mike decides to visit their old holiday house again, where they used to go every summer. Since Jo is dead, he fights a writer’s block and is having trouble finding into his life again.

Anyways, when he comes back there, strange things start to happen and Max Devore, the bad grandpa, who wants to take his granddaughter Kyra away from her mother Mattie, is also getting Mike into big trouble. If you wanna know more, you should read the book, I don’t wanna spoil too much.


My opinion

The book was great- especially Mikes cynic way to express himself. It is told from Mike’s perspective and he really tells every single thought running through his head. So, if you want to know how a 40 year old man thinks, you should just read this book. It was *cough* interesting to read about his sexual fantasies and his problems with girls after Jo died. I really really really recommend this book- though it’s getting very creepy towards the end.

Also, if you have weak nerves, you should probably stay away from his book. There are a few passages where you really think he’s going to kill someone or lose his mind. All in all, it’s the BEST book I’ve read until now.


Best quotes

Mike walks down the way to the house in the night:

“What comes in when daylight leaves is a kind of certainty: that beneath the skin there is a secret, some mystery both black and bright. You feel this mystery in every breath, you see it in every shadow, you expect to plunge into it at every turn of a step.”


“I think reality is thin, you know, thin as lake ice after a thaw, and we fill our lives with noise and light and motion to hide that thinness from ourselves.”


About his time with Johanna:

“And perhaps the greatest blessing was that we never knew how short the time was.”

Yeah, I think that should be all now. I love this book!
Sincerely, Kyra

About me

Well, hello.

I’m Kyra. That’s not my real Name but I’ll just call myself like that because I love this name. I’m 17 years old and I live in Austria. It’s my first blog so have some mercy if I might miss the sense of this but I’m just going to start up.

This blog will be about my favorite books, because I love reading and I’m that kind of human being who catches the atmosphere of a book very strongly und gets caught in its world easily. I mostly read thrillers, fantasy books or some kind of horror stories. In the moment my favorite author is Stephen King but there are a plenty of others too. I’m probably not the average kind of reader. I live inside a book when I read it and start thinking like the main character in the back of my mind. I also like to write short stories about the characters in books. Maybe I can make this some kind of creative blog about my favorite books…

Yes, that would be everything by now… But it’s far too less. Still. My English teacher won’t be very fond of this. I’m supposed to write more. I’m supposed to write a blog about things I’m interested in. I’m supposed to do so many things. School is getting annoying. Too much compulsion. It’s like a fight against reality. I’d just like to relax for a while. Oh no, off the topic. I better stop before this is getting out of hand. See you soon.

Sincerely,  Kyra