Another story

Hi. Due to the fact that my teacher apparently liked my short topic failure, I feel encouraged to write some more. Here is another story about being gay.

Josh smiled. He smiled cause he had to. It was no real smile, but right now it was everything he could do. They were in a bar, it was David’s 17th birthday. Actually it was forbidden to be there, but no one cared that night. The owner of the bar was the father of one of David’s friends. They all were so happy, so fearless. How many girls had kissed David already ? Josh didn’t know. He didn’t even want to know. Maybe, he thought to himself, it was just the influence of the alcohol, but he wanted to be like them. Like the girls David kissed. He looked down on himself. He was slim, weak. Not the type boy anyone would want. But he wished nothing more than being wanted. Being wanted by his best friend. And though it would never happen, Josh sometimes dreamed about it. Then he woke up and found himself sweating, breathing heavily. It was embarrassing to want someone that much. Josh silently cried into the palms of his hands, as suddenly a hand touched his shoulder.
„Josh? Josh, hey…“ It was David. He looked up to his friend and felt the tension to kiss him. So close…. Too close… He turned away.
„Dave, hi“, he replied.
David looked at him, leaned onto his shoulder. He was drunk.
„You… Got no girl?“
„They don’t want me.“
Actually it was the other way round, but that was irrelevant now.
„You wanna dance with me?“, David asked, smiling insecurely. Josh’s body filled with warmth as he got up. Everything seemed to be more intense as his friend took him into his arms and they danced. Time stood still for a moment. There was just the music and their bodies, close to each other. For that moment, he was save.

Well, that was it. Hope you liked it. If requested, I’ll write more stories, but I’d appreciate more people reading that. I need a lot of motivation to publish my stories in general. So, yeah. Guess that was it.

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