A bit off the topic

Hi. I have a story for you. It’s not really what you expect from a blog, so I’ll have this kind of introduction and then an explanation in the end. The book ‘Verdammt Starke Liebe’ inspired me to a little short story about a gay boy who loves his best friend. It doesn’t quite have a title but… I hope that’s no problem. Have fun.

It was cold outside as Josh left the gym. He ran out and slammed the door behind him. He gritted his teeth. Away from all the noise of the school ball, away from the crowd. His suit was all white from the little snowflakes that fell from the sky outside. Now that he was alone, the tears came. They trickled down his cheeks as small streams. But his tears weren’t able to ease his pain. He bit his tongue until he tasted blood. Don’t cry, don’t be weak. Hide yourself. No one will know who you are. What you feel. It was idiotic. His friend had to dance with girls. He couldn’t dance with him. Josh looked up to the sky. The tears gleamed on his face and left cold spots on his cheeks. He couldn’t. He could not go back and watch it. It was too much, hurt too much. Just because he knew how unlikely it was that David was actually gay. Why should he? With his luck, it was only imagination. And as if that was not enough, he was way too in love with his best friend. He wanted to press against him and kiss him. He needed his protection. But for this he had to drop his own. Security or love? What did he want?

Yes, that was it actually. I like this story, it’s cute. Maybe some of you will notice which song I listened to while writing (It’s quite obvious). Well, I hope Ms Fink will be happy with this too.

Sincerely, Kyra

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